Ryan and David will both be at the Emerald City Comicon this weekend in Seattle! We’ll have books, patches and death card sets, as well as our special embosser if you bring a book from home. We’ll also have a limited number of Volume 2 Samplers to give away, and will of course be performing on-the-spot death prediction tests for free.

Also at the convention, and happy to sign your books, will be artists Scott Campbell, Danielle Corsetto, Aaron Diaz, Christopher Hastings, Ramón Pérez, Kris Straub, Shannon Wheeler, and maybe more I can’t remember!

ECCC also features open tabletop gaming, and if I can figure out how to run a game of Hitman on a Budget on Sunday, I may do so! Stop by the TopatoCo booth (#202) or watch my Twitter for updates on that.


Matt Bennardo and Katie Sekelsky will have books available at the Pittsburgh Comicon April 20-22 and at Sci-Fi In The Valley (Ebensburg, PA) May 18-20.

David, Ryan, and many of the artists will be at the Calgary Comics Expo April 27-29, and the Toronto Comic Arts Festival May 5-6!