All photos by Eric Akaoka / More photos of the event here!

Thanks so much to everyone who came to see us in Toronto! We had a great time. We brought two cases of books, which we thought would be plenty, but they were gone by midmorning Sunday. It was also super neat to see you bring your copies from home to have signed! Hooray in every way!

We were also totally thrilled to see such a massive crowd at the Draw & Guess event. Folks were lined up both directions by the door, filling both walls of one hallway entirely and queuing out further onto the library floor. We’re so pleased you enjoyed the event — we heard nothing but nice things afterwards. Which is great, because we want to do it again! It’s proving to be a really fun game that we hope to keep staging at different events if we can. It’ll only get better as we work out the kinks!

Here is video, in case you weren’t at the show! It’s about 30 minutes long.

Machine of Death Draw & Guess at TCAF 2011! from Vimeo.

The camera unfortunately didn’t pick up the first three clues, which, for the record, were “DOLPHIN,” “BURIED BY NEWSPAPERS” and (pictured above) “INABILITY TO UNDERSTAND METAPHORS.”

Here’s another fun thing we had at the show:

Besides signing the books — which anyone can do — we thought it’d be neat to give folks some official evidence that they were there, some reward for taking the trouble to come out to the show. So we went a little EMBOSSER CRAZY.

We’ll have the Official MoD Seal Embosser at most places we travel, so if we’re coming to your town, please bring your copies of the book to come be Stamped and Sealed! It’s like a weights & measures inspection — it protects the book from being tampered with.

Next place we’ll have the stamp is Maker Faire in San Mateo this weekend, then World Steam Expo in Michigan, then Heroes Con in Charlotte, then Calgary Comics & Entertainment Expo in June!