Podcast Episodes 21 Sep 2012 01:45 pm by David !
Podcast 34: “CASSANDRA”, by T.J. Radcliffe
“CASSANDRA”, by T.J. Radcliffe.
Read by the author. (25 min)
It was like that movie, back in the day, where the machine asks the kid, “How about a nice game of chess?”
“No,” he types back. “Let’s play Global Thermonuclear War.”
That’s what the slip of paper in my hand read. “Global Thermonuclear War.”
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T.J. Radcliffe is a mercenary scientist and poet who probably lives in Vancouver, BC, Canada. When not sailing or hiking he writes poetry to go with the whimsical and beautiful images created by Hilary Farmer at greenteadoodles.wordpress.com, with whom he has also written a illustrated serial Web novella, songsofalbion.com, and an illustrated poetic story inspired by the Doctor: cindylooyou.com. He can be reached via his website: tjradcliffe.com where he writes about poetry, probability, politics and physics, sometimes all in the same post.
In the book, “CASSANDRA” is illustrated by Matt Haley!