It’s getting close!! THIS IS HOW YOU DIE is officially released in JUST ONE WEEK. We set up this super-cool page at to give everyone the scoop:

The goal of the page is to introduce people to the MOD concept, provide all the pre-order links for the new book, and of course, share the rad video that we made! It’s posted over there right now — go watch!

You can also pre-order the book RIGHT NOW from your favorite retailer (and you know what? YOU TOTALLY SHOULD):

AmazonBarnes & NobleIndie BoundPowell’siBooks

Our partners at Grand Central Publishing have given us free rein to give you exactly the book that we wanted. And we’ve done our best to make it AMAZING. It’s bursting at the seams with fantastic illustrations and comics. It has the stories that we LOVED the most, even though the names of the writers likely won’t be familiar to most people. But they’re writers who took a chance and sent us their stories, trusting us to share them with the world as best as we know how.

We — the three of us, Ryan, Matt, and David — want to reward the writers who gave us such an amazing book. With your help…

We want to make every contributor to this book into
a New York Times bestselling author.

Can we do it? I honestly don’t know!

The task before us is to get this book into as many hands as possible between now and July 20. Print sales matter the most, but ultimately, we want people to read it however they prefer. We want EVERYBODY to see these folks’ great work.

So, again: HERE is the link to share with all your friends:

Also at that page is a downloadable 90-page preview of the book. That is longer than some ACTUAL FULL BOOKS you have to pay for.

We’re profoundly grateful to our many supporters over the years, and we’re BEYOND excited to share this book with you. We’re exceptionally proud of all the work we’ve put into it, and of the work of all 63 of our amazing contributors. (Who are listed in full below.) We hope you’ll help us do right by them all by making this book a bestseller in its first week.

Who knows? If this book does well, it might make more books like this possible in the future. Anthologies with an indie aesthetic, but commercial distribution! Artists given free rein to overrule the marketing department! Dogs and cats sleeping together! Madness? We don’t think so.

Because of the way the NYT tallies their records, we won’t know how we did for a couple of weeks. In the meantime, our Amazon sales ranking is one way to gauge how we’re doing in general. As you know, last time we made it all the way to #1, but Amazon was the only place it was available at all — this time, you have your choice of retailer.

No matter where you get it, and no matter what format you read it in, we hope you really, really enjoy THIS IS HOW YOU DIE.

AmazonBarnes & NobleIndie BoundPowell’siBooks

Here’s the full table of contents (click for bigger):

Thank you, sincerely, for all your support. We had a lot of fun putting this book together, and we’re so thrilled to see other people enjoy it too. Happy reading!