Updates 10 Nov 2010 11:46 am by David !
MOD is coming to US bookstores! Help us get it right.
Today we’ve signed a deal that will bring Machine of Death into bookstores across the United States. We’re talking Barnes & Noble, Borders, indies, airports — this deal will make it available to everyone. We are negotiating Canadian and UK distribution as well.
We couldn’t have done it without you — this is the direct result of people in publishing waking up on October 26 and seeing something they didn’t recognize do something they couldn’t believe. They Googled us. They emailed us. They called us. “What are you doing?” they said, or “We get what you’re doing, and it’s amazing.” This was invariably followed up with “I’ve ordered my copy.”
And sometimes, a week later, followed up again with “This book is incredible.”
And we just smiled and said “We know! That’s the point!”
In the next few weeks we’ll be focusing on making sure the bookstores who stock our book don’t regret their decision. But there’s one very important, very mechanical task in front of us right now — one you can help with!
We’re going back to the press with a new printing of the book, and we want to take this opportunity to fix the handful of typos that crept into the manuscript. After the jump we’ve compiled a list of the ones we’ve found so far. (Some of these have already been fixed in the digital versions.) We want the next printing to be perfect! So please leave a comment with any others we may have missed, and we’ll update the post accordingly. We only have a day or so to make these changes, so we’re hoping you can help — if nothing else, verify that we’ve caught everything!
UPDATE: Thanks so much for your eagle eyes! We’ve made notations as to the corrections in the comments. We are preparing your prizes this weekend and will be announcing them soon!
if you find any more errors for Pete’s sake keep them to yourself we have a lot of books on the press now
pg 176, Superfluous quotation mark: “Try it,” she said, her voice suddenly low.”
pg 184, He went down he stairs should be He went down the stairs
pg 265, KNOWLDEGE should be KNOWLEDGE
pg 301, blamde should be blamed
Bottom of pg 312, though should be thought
KINDLE VERSION ONLY: SINKICICLE represented incorrectly in the story “Almond”
KINDLE VERSION ONLY: Ito in the story “Improperly Prepared Blowfish” rendered as It?
Any others you’ve found? First person to spot any new typo gets a prize. (We’ll be in touch with the people who’ve pointed these out to us.) We want to send this to press Friday morning (the 12th) so you’ve got till tomorrow night! Ack! Leave your comments ASAP!