15 Mar 2011 04:09 pm
Press Kit
Are you interested in writing a story or article about Machine of Death or This Is How You Die? Here are some resources for you!
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Machine of Death is a collection of short stories set in a world with one thing in common: there exists a machine that can tell you — cryptically but with 100% accuracy — how you are going to die.
In 2010, it became the #1 bestselling book on Amazon.com — in, and for, one single day. Thanks to an innovative grassroots marketing campaign, our self-published book has now found an audience of tens of thousands. We offer the book in print, ebook, as a free audio podcast, and even as a 100% free downloadable PDF.
Thanks to the success of our Amazon campaign, we also secured major trade distribution, and now, with over 25,000 copies in print, our anthology can be found across North America wherever books are sold.
Since that day in October, we’ve continued to explore the world of Machine of Death in new and interesting ways, inviting our readers to participate as we create new artifacts and products, stage real-world live events, and held an open call for submissions for a second volume of Machine of Death.
That second volume is now out: This Is How You Die, from Grand Central Publishing, containing all-new stories chosen from the nearly 2,000 submissions received in the wake of the first volume.
We’ve also created a card game: Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination, which raised over half a million dollars on Kickstarter. The game is scheduled to be released in fall 2013.
Existing book reviews / Press mentions
Background on the project
The Machine of Death concept was based on a comic strip by Ryan North, which was originally published at qwantz.com on December 5, 2005.
The concept was then batted around by members of the Truth and Beauty Bombs messageboard. Here’s the original thread. / Here’s another.
In late 2006, Matthew Bennardo and David Malki came onboard to help Ryan curate a short-story anthology based on the concept that had proved so popular among readers. Submissions were formally opened to the general public on January 1, 2007, and stayed open through April 30. Here’s the original call for entries.
By the end of the submission period, we had received 675 submissions from writers on five continents. We announced our selections for the book on July 20, 2007. Here’s our announcement.
Then, we spent three years shopping the manuscript to agents and publishers. Our blog post here talks about our struggles with the publishing industry. A full chronology of our 2010 success on Amazon.com, and what happened after that, is here.
In 2011, we opened submissions for a second volume. Submissions were open from May 1 through July 15. We received nearly two thousand story submissions from 44 countries.
The second volume, This Is How You Die, also contains original comic strips and illustrations. It was released July 16, 2013, accompanied by a short film by director Michael Mohan.
Book info
Title: Machine of Death
ISBN: 978-0-98216712-0
464-page trade paperback original
Stories included in the book : 34
Illustrations in the book : 36
Cover artist : Justin Van Genderen
Publisher imprint: Bearstache Books
Publisher of record: Machines of Death, LLC
Vendor of record: Publishers Group West
EDI: Pubnet SAN number 631760X
Title: This Is How You Die
ISBN: 978-0-98216712-0
492-page trade paperback original
Stories included in the book : 31
Illustrations in the book : 50
Comic strips in the book : 12
Cover artist : Justin Van Genderen
Publisher imprint: Grand Central Publishing
Numbers & statistics
Authors who submitted one or more stories in 2007 : 626
Total number of stories received : 675
Books sold on October 26, 2010 : 5,000+
Books currently in print : 28,000
Printings to date : 6 paperback and 1 hardcover
Available as : paperback, ebook, free audiobook, free PDF
Authors who submitted one or more stories for TIHYD : 1,705
Total number of stories received : 1,958
Graphic assets
Screenshot of our book at #1 on Amazon – October 26, 2010
The official MoD logo
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Machine of Death, a self-published collection of short stories, took the book industry by surprise when it became a grassroots bestseller.
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Machine of Death contains illustrations by 36 independent comics artists.
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Machine of Death is available in several ebook formats as well as a free, downloadable PDF.
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A Machine of Death Collector’s Set, including a limited-edition hardcover, was issued in March 2011.
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MoD Events
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Sean Monahan and Lloyd Ahlquist, members of Mission IMPROVable, perform “The Grind” at the Machine of Death Talent Show in Hollywood, CA.
Brad McLaughlin sings an original song at the Machine of Death Talent Show in Hollywood, CA.
Cory O’Brien, a.k.a. Frosty the Showman, raps at the Machine of Death Talent Show.
Zachary Bernstein, right, performs along with backup singer Jim at the Machine of Death Talent Show.
Ryan North, in red, signs a copy of Machine of Death for a reader at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival.
Several hundred fans gathered for the Machine of Death Draw & Guess event at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival.
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Photo credit: Eric Akaoka / More print-resolution photos of this event available here
Cartoonist and MoD contributor KC Green draws a picture for fellow contributor Aaron Diaz, at right, and audience member Stephen Corston to decipher at the Machine of Death Draw & Guess event in Toronto, Ontario.
Cartoonist and MoD contributor Kate Beaton listens to fellow contributor Christopher Hastings, at right, and audience member Malini Vijaykumar during the Machine of Death Draw & Guess event.
Ryan North, left, looks away in fear as Malini Vijaykumar and Kate Beaton high-five at the Machine of Death Draw & Guess event. At right is Christopher Hastings.
The Editors
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David Malki !, Ryan North, and Matthew Bennardo
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Photo credit: C. Anderson
David Malki !, Matthew Bennardo, and Ryan North
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Photo credit: C. Anderson
Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo (on computer), and David Malki !
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Photo credit: Zack DeZon
Machine of Death editor Ryan North
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Photo credit: Zack DeZon
Machine of Death editor Ryan North
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Photo credit: Randall North
Machine of Death editor David Malki !
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Photo credit: Alice Kuo Shippee
Matthew Bennardo
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Photo credit: K. Sekelsky
Matthew Bennardo
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Photo credit: K. Sekelsky
Ryan North and David Malki !
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Photo credit: Zack DeZon
Ryan North and David Malki !
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Photo credit: C. Anderson
Biographical information
Ryan North writes “Dinosaur Comics,” your new favourite comic ever in time, which you can read online at qwantz.com and also in books too. He also built Project Wonderful, a site that makes online advertising not suck, and ALSO makes it awesome. He is a tall drink of water who lives in Toronto with his wife Jenn.
Matthew Bennardo graduated from Case Western Reserve University with degrees in English and business management. His stories have been published in Asimov’s Science Fiction and Strange Horizons, among other markets. He lives in Cleveland, Ohio. mbennardo.com
David Malki ! is the author of the comic strip “Wondermark”, a gag strip created entirely from 19th-Century woodcuts and engravings, AKA a collaboration with the dead. In 2009, the Wondermark collection Beards of our Forefathers was nominated for the Eisner Award — the highest honor in comics — for “Best Humor Publication.” It’s possible that this was a clerical error. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife Nikki, a special-effects makeup artist.
A full list of Machine of Death contributors is here.
Other projects and what’s next
In March 2010, we offered an exclusive limited-edition Hardcover Collector’s Set of Machine of Death. The print run of 300 copies, each packaged with an embroidered badge and a personalized Certificate of Predicted Death, sold out within a week.
On April 26, 2010, we held a Half-Birthday Party and Talent Show in Hollywood, CA, inviting folks to an evening of comedy and performance. MOD readers provided music, monologues, gameplay and entertainment, and the event was also livestreamed on our website. Nearly 100 folks packed the small theater in Hollywood for the event, which also featured performances by Mission IMPROVable‘s “The Grind” and a reading by Jesse Thorn, host of PRI’s The Sound of Young America.
That evening, we opened submissions for a second volume of Machine of Death. Through July 15, 2011, we accepted stories and art portfolios from anyone who’d like to be involved in another go at this concept, and received quite a mountain of submissions.
The full table of contents for the second volume is here.
We Kickstarted, and are currently in production on, a Machine of Death card game, called Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination.
We continue to send free Death Prediction Cards to readers who send us a self-addressed stamped envelope.